
Science and integrity matter to us

At Healthline, we set high standards of quality, research, and transparency for what we share, ensuring you have access to nothing but the best. Here’s how:

  • To ensure accuracy, each of our 20,000+ articles is reviewed by a medical subject matter expert such as a doctor, nurse, or therapist.
  • Our recommendations are current and based on research thanks to our diligent health and medical monitoring standards.
  • Featured brands are reviewed for medical credibility, business practices, and social impact.

As an Advocate for the SDG’s, Resilient Futurist, Member of the Expert Network for the World Economic Forum for Innovation, Climate Change, Agriculture, Food, and Beverages, Global Food Reformist, and Sustainable Futurist, Marc’s passions lie in social innovation, systems thinking, and dynamic modeling to solve our global grand challenges.

Marc is on a mission to empower billions of global citizens to live an adaptive lifestyle of health and sustainability within planetary boundaries.

Marc is the host of Inside Ideas a Video and Audio Podcast produced by OnePoint5 Media and Innovators Magazine. Systemic change is needed to move us on to the right side of history. Marc Buckley talks with the game-changers on a mission to get us there as fast as possible.